Black, Gold, & White
RKF Export Pedigree & CKC Registered
weighs 8 lbs 3 ozs
Champion Bloodlines throughout pedigree.
She is extremely intelligent
!DOB: March 14, 2021 (3 Years Old)
Proof of Spay is required before her Export pedigree & CKC Registration will be mailed.
Tessa is amazing!!! She has a gorgeous baby doll face, nice round apple head, straight topline, good bite, short legs and compact body. She has a phenomenal heavy silk colorful coat with vibrant color. She knows how to use a doggy door. & is super smart. She's UTD on her annual vaccinations and has a 3 year rabies that's good until 6/7/25. She's on Revolution for fleas, ticks, & Heartworm prevention.
was bred here @ Southern Star
Black, Gold & White
IBC & CKC Registered
weighs 8 lbs
Champion Sired with Champion Bloodlines
DOB: July 3, 2021 (3 Years Old)
Proof of Spay is required before her IBC pedigree & CKC Registration will be mailed.
Xena is a beautiful girl with a gorgeous baby doll face, fabulous pure silk coat, nice round apple head, straight topline, good bite, and perfect earset. She has a wonderful personality, she's so outgoing and friendly. She's UTD on her annual vaccinations and has a 3 year rabies that's good until 6/22/25. She's on Revolution for fleas, ticks, & Heartworm prevention.
Blue & Gold
AKC Registered & DNA tested
weighs 6 lbs
DOB: May 8, 2016 (7 Years Old)
Raven's UTD on her annual vaccinations. She has a 3 year rabies vaccine that's good until August 29, 2026. She's on Revolution for flea, tick, and Heartworm prevention.
She's a beautiful girl with a baby doll face & gorgeous silk coat. She's a total sweetheart! She gets along very well with all my other dogs. She's used to using a doggy door to go in & out to potty but she's very smart & could be housetrained without a doggy door easily. She's a very quiet girl who loves to get her beauty rest. Because she was imported her tail & dewclaws are intact.
Black, Gold, & White
RKF Export Pedigree & CKC Registered
weighs 6 lbs
Excellent Champion Line pedigree full of champions.
D.O.B: March 14, 2021 (3 years old)
Кeanu's a very handsome boy!! He's got a gorgeous baby doll face, nice round apple head, straight topline, good bite, and a phenomenal colorful silk coat. He gets along great with all my other girls but doesn't care too much for other boys. He uses a doggy door to go in & out as he pleases. He still squats to pee pee and doesn't hike his leg. He has his own run in the kennel. He loves getting his nose rubbed & facial massages.
He's UTD on his annual vaccinations & rabies. His current rabies is a 3 year, it expires on June 7, 2025. On Revolution for fleas, ticks, & Heartworm prevention.
Proof of Neuter will be required before his Export pedigree & CKC registration will be mailed.