Policy regarding Puppy Application's 
& Non-Refundable Reserve Fee's.

In order to be fair for those who are sincerely interested in purchasing one of our Yorkie puppies...

All requests for a Yorkie puppy must be accompanied by a Puppy Application. The application can be submitted straight from the website. From this point forward, if you submit a puppy application, you MUST also place a $100 Commitment Fee. This Fee will be deducted from the price of the puppy. The Commitment Fee is Non-Refundable if  YOU change your mind and will only be refunded if your application for a puppy is denied.

Whether you are submitting an application for a puppy from an upcoming litter that hasn't been born yet or a puppy that is currently posted for sale but not old enough to leave yet, you must STILL send a $100 Commitment Fee to show that you are seriously interested in purchasing a pup.

If you're applying for a pup that is currently available to reserve (5 weeks or older) I will contact you after I've had a chance to speak to your reference's. At that time I will be happy to schedule an appointment for you to come to my home and see the puppy. The remaining Non-Refundable Reserve Fee of $400 must be paid either when you visit the pup or prior to your visit. Once the Reserve Fee is placed for a particular puppy, it is NOT TRANSFERABLE to another puppy later.

If you're applying for a puppy from an upcoming litter that hasn't been born yet. I will contact you once I've received your Puppy Application, Commitment Fee and had a chance to speak to your reference's. You will be placed on our waiting list for the pup that you specifically requested, male or female, Traditional Yorkie or German Biewer. I will keep you posted when the litter is born and will send photo's via text message to your cell phone of the puppy or puppies @ 2, 3 & 4 weeks of age. I don't offer them for sale until they're 5 weeks old. At 5 weeks of age you will receive digital photo's via email of each pup or puppies. I will contact you to schedule an appointment for you to come and view the puppy or puppies. At that point you will need to make a decision and choose which pup you would like to reserve. The remaining Non-Refundable Reserve Fee of $400 will need to be paid at that time. Once you commit to a specific puppy and pay the fee to reserve them, the Reserve Fee is NOT TRANSFERABLE to another puppy.

Please note, all Commitment Fee's & Reserve Fee's are NON-REFUNDABLE & NON-TRANSFERABLE

Once you have reserved your puppy at 5 weeks, you will receive either updated digital or cell phone photo's via text or email again at 8 weeks of age. Most puppies (unless tiny) are ready to leave around 10 weeks of age. If for some reason your baby is still here with me at 11 weeks of age, I will take updated digital or cell phone photos and email or text them to you. I take digital or cell photo's every 3 weeks, at 8, 11, 14 and 17 weeks of age. I don't update photos every few days or every week. I have a routine schedule for updating photos of each litter. From start to finish, digital pictures take several hours of my time.

If you're applying for a puppy that is currently posted for sale and the puppy is ready to leave (10 weeks or older). You ARE NOT required to summit the $100 Commitment Fee UNLESS the puppy is tiny. Once I receive your puppy application and I've had a chance to speak to your reference's I will contact you to schedule an appointment to come and pick up your baby.

PLEASE NOTE: The ONLY EXCEPTION to this are tiny puppies. My tiny babies stay with me quite a bit longer than the standard toy size. I'm never in any rush to push them out the door. They stay with me until I'm 100% certain that they're eating dry kibble well for several weeks. Each puppy is different, some need to stay with me longer than others. You'll need to submit the $100 Commitment Fee with the puppy application if the puppy you're applying for is charting to be tiny when grown.

I will allow you to come to my home once to select the puppy of your choice and again when your baby is old enough to come home with you. I'm a very clean and neat person and very careful with each litter of babies. I can't risk you bringing anything into my home that could not only harm your puppy or the rest of the litter. I will not take people into my kennel for that very reason. I have photos of all of my Sires and Dams on the website for you to view.

UPDATE: Since Covid I've been doing curbside viewings & pick-ups. During Covid I decided to check different insurance companies to see if I could lower my homeowners insurance. I was turned down repeatedly after answering a multitude of questions about my profession & if I allow people into my home when picking up puppies. Little did I know that Insurance companies consider it a liability when you have dog's inside your home & outsiders are allowed in. I was told that my clients could be bitten by one of my babies & choose to sue. So from here on out no one will be allowed inside. I never considered that possibility until it was brought to my attention. I argued...but they're little Yorkies!! Afterwards I did recall a tiny little 3 lb boy I had years ago that loved to bite people on their heels when they were walking out the door. That was his thing! He hated when people were leaving. He bit everyone but me as they left the house, even nipped my kids, bringing blood on several occasions. I learned pretty quickly to pick him up when clients would begin to leave because I knew even if he was pretending to sleep he was really laying in wait to charge & attack.

I'm very cautious & careful when selecting homes for my Yorkies babies. I only want the best for them. Once the baby is placed in a new home I expect that home to be his/her permanent home for the rest of his/her life. Yorkies do have a lifespan of 12 to 15 years. If you can't make that long of a commitment, then a Yorkie puppy is not right for you. I also love to stay in contact with all my past client's and receive updated photos of the baby as they progress into adulthood. I offer a lifetime of support after you take your baby home. I will also take any of my puppies back at anytime for any reason.  

I'm very sorry to have to do this but I've held many puppies for week, spent countless hours speaking on the phone, texting & emailing applicant's, sending text photos of puppies every week, only to have the applicant end up canceling due to a family crisis, health issues or they just fell off the face of the earth & wouldn't respond at all when it came time to actually place the Reserve Fee to hold. My time is valuable & I do not like to waste it at all. I have more than a full time job taking care of all my adult Yorkies & their babies. I don't have anyone that comes in to help me with my dogs. I also have a home to take care of so my time is very dear to me.

I have a fan page on Facebook, Southern Star Yorkies. You can view the page even if you don't have a Facebook account and read my reviews & recommendations. I can also supply you with many more reference's of happy clients.

Payment Method Options

  • The initial Commitment Fee can be paid through PayPal using the email address sydneyderington@att.net. If you have a checking account that is linked with PayPal you can send the $100 Commitment Fee as "Friends & Family" & you will not have to add PayPal's 4% fee to the total. To switch it from "Goods & Services" to "Friends & Family" simply click on "Goods & Services" and you will see the option to change it over. 

  • If your checking account is not linked with PayPal I can send an invoice through Square. The Square invoice will include a 3.75% fee to cover Square's transaction fee. 

  • I also except payments through CashApp, my user name is $SouthernStarYorkies. It will show that you're sending a payment to Sydney Derington. 

  • Zelle payments can be sent to Sydney Derington or my phone number @ 678-665-8305.  

  • If your application for a puppy is denied, your $100 Commitment Fee will be refunded. It will not be refunded if YOU change your mind. If you do not have a PayPal, Zelle or CashApp account, you will need to contact me immediately after submitting the Puppy Application and make other arrangements to pay the Commitment Fee as soon as possible.